Updated box on its way

Hi all, thanks for considering to pre-order Kashgar and/or Criss Cross 🙂

This is a quick update to let you all know that our new box size (similar to Carcassonne size) has been approved by Kosmos. This means we can show you the English box art within a few days.

Why a smaller box? This will help save money on shipping the game, producing the game, and will also save your shelf space. Not just that, the original edition was in a box that many believed was too big – we will be cutting down on empty space inside the game box.

The art will not change, but the layout of the art will.

We are still on track to have all print files in the manufacturer’s hands within a fortnight so the production can commence. Many thanks!

6 day update: 200+ pre-orders have now been received (approx 300 left).

– David